$69.000 CLP

First impression
First impressions rarely lie. And even if the Yashica 28mm made a high-quality impression, the first photos were a bit sobering. The pictures simply lack contrast, colors and sharpness. Although this can be weakened a bit by stopping down to f/4 or f/8, the somewhat pale image look remains.
So despite good models and a great location, it will be a challenge to achieve my goal of good photos.
The biggest challenges: The lack of quality with an open aperture and the less than optimal handling of the lens.
The first landscape photographs in particular were not at all convincing and could not be significantly upgraded in post-processing either.

To say that the Yashica lens only has disadvantages is still an exaggeration. Because there are also some positive things to report. Because with 28mm it has a relatively wide angle (approx. 74 ° field of view) for an M42 lens. At that time, 35mm, 50mm and 135mm lenses in particular were widespread, but not lenses that go further into the wide-angle.
Another advantage was that with an open aperture, there were only a few artifacts such as chromatic aberrations that were not really found in the images. Only the stray light when shooting against the light was a horror, but was to be expected due to the „old“ technology of the lens and the wide angle.

So I had to exploit the advantages of the lens to cover up the disadvantages as well as possible. For me that meant finding situations in which the wide angle is used well, creating image looks in which a low contrast is a stylistic device and otherwise simply distracts from the weaknesses of the lens.